
Is This Rally for Real?

November 28, 2007

Stocks have put in an impressive advance during the past two trading sessions, rising almost 4% after what has been one of the worst November performances on record. The big question now: Is this the beginning of the traditional year-end "Santa Claus"rally?


Five Common Estate Planning Mistakes

November 28, 2007

Stocks have put in an impressive advance during the past two trading sessions, rising almost 4% after what has been one of the worst November performances on record. The big question now: Is this the beginning of the traditional year-end “Santa Claus”rally?

Are You Ready to Downshift Into Income?

November 21, 2007

Well, things didn’t quite play out to the usual script this season. The lows this year took place in August, and that lull was followed by a 10% rally to new highs. We then suffered through an 8% decline in stocks, and that was after two Fed rate cuts. This is almost an unheard of scenario on Wall Street […]

A Thanksgiving Bear?

November 21, 2007

Well, things didn’t quite play out to the usual script this season. The lows this year took place in August, and that lull was followed by a 10% rally to new highs. We then suffered through an 8% decline in stocks, and that was after two Fed rate cuts. This is almost an unheard of scenario on Wall Street


Savoring A Mutually Rewarding Experience

November 7, 2007

The major market averages have, to a great extent, managed to keep a stiff upper lip in the face of record-high crude oil prices and the continuing peril in the financial sector. I think this market’s resilience is truly remarkable, especially when you consider that so many of the stocks in the financial sector have been trounced by the latest bout of subprime flu […]

Financials, Housing Rain Down On Market

October 24, 2007

During the past 90 days, we have experienced unprecedented volatility in the financial markets. Interest rates, bonds, stocks and currencies have fluctuated wildly for one reason and one reason only — investor uncertainty […]

New International Treasury Bond ETF

October 10, 2007

I have to admit that right now I am riding high on all of the new highs this market is giving us. On Tuesday, we saw a surge to new highs in both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500. Sure, the market pulled back a bit today, but that pullback can largely be attributed to just a couple of isolated pieces of negative company news. […]


October 3, 2007

Monday was the first day of the fourth quarter, and what a day it was!

The Dow surged nearly 200 points in the session, sending the Industrial Average to a new all-time high. The record-setting close on the Dow is just one of many this year, as 2007 has proven to be the year of rewriting the record books. […]


September 26, 2007

The carcass is still warm on last week’s surprisingly deep reduction in interest rates, but already many in the financial media and blogosphere are crying out for another killer cut. […]


September 19, 2007

Tuesday, Sept. 18, 4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time — the closing bell has just rung on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and the numbers on the big board tell the story quite clearly. […]

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