Savoring A Mutually Rewarding Experience

By seadmin

Yesterday I had an absolutely fantastic wealth coaching session with a young couple who had done many things correctly in preparing for their financial future.

This couple had some very nice savings; they had solid life insurance policies; they owned a home, and they were putting away a lot of money in their retirement accounts.

What they didn’t know was what to do next.

That’s where I came in.

As their wealth coach, I was able to discuss with them their goals and objectives, and together we came up with some concrete action steps designed to take them to the next level.

I just can’t express to you how mutually rewarding an experience this coaching session was for all three of us. The gratification we all received as a result of our combined efforts was maybe the most rewarding experience of my professional life.

And, the great thing about these coaching sessions is I get to do them everyday!

The only analogy I can think to describe this level of professional gratification comes from the world of sports. If I were a baseball player, it would be as if I hit a home run every game of the year. That’s really how it is for me, and judging by the overwhelmingly positive reaction to my many coaching sessions, I think it is safe to say that is also how most people feel about their coaching sessions.

The best part of the coaching process is its simplicity. I meet with you one-on-one in two separate interviews. In those interviews we document your short- and long-term goals; discuss your concerns, worries and even fears about your money; we review all of your invested positions, and I give you my opinion on each.

Then we develop a sample ETF portfolio designed to meet your unique objectives. I also give you specific action steps you can take to help move your financial situation in the right direction.

If the idea of having your very own wealth coach appeals to you, I urge you to get started now. "Money never sleeps," as the old adage goes, and everyday you wait to get on track to meet your objectives is truly a lost opportunity.

For more information about how you can schedule your very own coaching session, call David Fabian at 800.391.1118, or e-mail him.

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