Grow Your Portfolio the Intelligent Way

Thoughts on Kamala the Lotus

It only took about 48 hours after President Biden announced the end of his candidacy for Vice President Kamala Harris to capture enough pledged delegates to be considered the new presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. The rush to anoint VP Harris as the new torchbearer for the party is, in my view, a pretty […]

This. Is. Not. Funny.

“Jim, where were you when former President Trump was nearly assassinated?” That’s the question a friend asked over the weekend. Interestingly, the answer is quite memorable, as I was about to go on stage to deliver a talk on how to be a successful investor at FreedomFest in Las Vegas. In fact, I heard about […]

A Case of Cognitive Dire Straits

After watching the recent debate between President Biden and former President Trump, I was left truly dumbfounded. First, Donald Trump managed to be relatively calm and collected, traits not usually associated with the former president. Yet for Mr. Biden, well, I found myself astonished by the man’s obvious mental meltdown. Anyone who viewed that debate […]

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Subscribe to Successful Investing

Successful Investing is Jim Woods’ flagship investment advisory service. For almost 40 years, its proprietary approach (called the Fabian Plan in honor of founders, Doug and Dick Fabian) has determined whether the market’s flashing “buy” or “sell.” When it’s time to buy, Jim tells you which stocks and ETFs offer the best potential and least risk. When it’s time to sell, he tells you exactly when to get out. In almost four decades, Successful Investing has called just about every major market plunge.
Click here now to learn more.

Subscribe to Bullseye Stock Trader

Jim’s brand new trading service helps you make money by getting into the market’s “Always Up” stocks. That’s what Jim calls the companies that make money, regardless of what happens in the market or the world. By investing in the stocks of these companies, and then playing the inexpensive call options on these best-in-breed businesses, you can rack up a string of double- and triple-digit gains in the coming year. Click here now to learn more.

Subscribe to Eagle Eye Opener

Jim Woods’ new service delivers private daily briefings to help you get First Dibs on the day’s biggest trading profits… the same private intel that pro investors are already pre-armed with every morning.

Following Jim’s Eagle Eye Opener over a recent 5-month stretch could’ve landed you 21 trading wins, with 6 of them hitting triple-digits or higher. (These are straight stock and ETF plays, not options.)

Click here now to learn more about Eagle Eye Opener.

Subscribe to High Velocity Options

Jim’s brand new trading service helps you make money using relatively inexpensive trades – some for as little as $50. The results? Following Jim’s proprietary High Velocity Options method, you could have turned a $20,000 trading account into $84,117 — in just 32 months. Fast trades with even faster profits – that’s the goal. Click here now to learn more.

Hall of Fame

Deutsche X-Tracker Harvest CSI300 ChinaASHR69.71%
ProShares Ultra FTSE China 50XPP65.12%

Recent Winners

Market Vectors Gold MinersGDX54.64%
DoubleLine Total Return BondDLTNX27.43%
River North DoubleLine Strategic Income FundRNDLX21.32%


“…the reason I subscribed to you in the first place, was I remembered some of [The Fabian Plan’s] savvy advice back in the 70’s when you made some timely moves…

I wholeheartedly support your “absolute return” investment strategy. I look forward to receiving your next newsletters, and, BTW, I just extended my subscription for another year.”

— Ekhard P.

“I don’t follow all of [The Fabian Plan’s] buy signals (not interested in precious metals), but I adhere to many of them, as well as to the sell discipline. Thanks, you saved my retirement savings from some severe downturns with very minimal losses.”

— Tim R., Sierra Madre, CA

“Just a brief note to tell you how pleased I have been. I am 82 years of age and I attribute much of my successful financial retirement to ‘Fabianomics’. This applies not just to specific investment advice but to the entire Fabian investment strategy — from the protecting your ‘serious money’ concept, to flowing with the ‘ups’, and avoiding the ‘downs.’ Thank you.”

— Clarence R., Jupiter, FL

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