The Election, the Markets, and Your Money 4

By seadmin

In less than a week America will elect a new president, and as we draw closer to Nov. 4, Sen. Barack Obama has opened a substantial lead in most of the polls. I still think the race will be very, very close, and that means we could be in for a long election night.

A close election also means that we are liable to see a lot more volatility, as well as a lot more selling, before the final decision is rendered on who will move into the Oval Office. You see, it’s a well-known fact that what Wall Street hates most is uncertainty, and with all of the uncertainty surrounding the bailout, new banking regulations, new financing models and new lending parameters — and with the uncertainty of how a new president will govern — it’s no wonder we’re destined for more market undulation.

I can’t remember a time in my life when financial markets and a presidential election overlapped so acutely. With the equity and credit markets in chaos and with no real solutions to the madness yet in site, you have every reason to be extremely worried about the election, the markets and your money.

If you want to lift that burden of worry from your shoulders, and if you want to be prepared for whatever the Washington elite — and the American electorate — throw your way, then I have just what you need.

I recently presented a seminar along with Fairway Capital President Kevin Yurkus aptly titled, "The Election, The Markets, and Your Money." Now you can listen to this seminar, and you can download a seminar workbook and PowerPoint presentations by clicking here.

The risks and opportunities heading into this voting season have made this the most important election in recent memory. That is why Kevin and I are so concerned about the future of the credit markets, taxes, the stock market, and your investments.

I encourage you to take a listen to this most-interesting seminar. I guarantee it will be worth your valuable time.

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