Real Estate Update

May 25, 2006
By seadmin

I would like to draw your attention to an AP article that came out last week entitled "Real Estate Collapse Could Cause Recession, Job Losses." The thrust of the article states that many top think-tank economists and financial advisory firms, including the likes of Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, have all concurred that the imminent decline in the US real estate market will cause a recession, and most likely, a severe one.

Lehman cites that a full one-third of the economic activity from the last year was a result of the housing boom and 5% of the nation’s economy is tied to construction. As a result, a decline in the housing market would translate to roughly 1.3 million jobs lost. The Center for Economic and Policy Research goes on to say that there is more that $5 trillion dollars in "bubble wealth" that will evaporate in the bursting of the US real estate bubble.

These are frightening statistics, and ones we should be mindful of in planning for risk mitigation in the coming year, and the years to follow. If you have not already done so, I would like you to get a copy of "Boom to Bust: How to Plan, Protect and Profit When the Bubble Bursts". This is my 28-page special report dedicated to helping my readers survive and thrive in the imminent real estate decline. Worksheets, tips, charts and in-depth analysis will help you devise a plan for managing all of your assets during the tumultuous financial times that lie ahead for housing and the economy. For more information, go to my website at

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