Rational Poetry

January 3, 2008
By seadmin

This being our first Alert of the year, I thought I’d present you with something a little different. The following poem was written by my friend and long-time colleague Jim Woods. Jim is a fantastic writer who uses words as if they were weapons in defense of virtues such as liberty, rationality and the free market. In this piece, he praises the virtue of commerce, and he tells us all how important it is to protect and defend what makes modern life possible.

Trust Of A Child

By Jim Woods

Defenses down
I stare out at the harbor in wonder
A perch paid for with poetry
My spirit resonates with pride

The light of a thousand enterprises
Flickers with the power of thought
So many abstractions put into motion
So many lives sustained

The effort of creation
Plays out in the distance
A port for the best within us
Ushers in the material of modern life

On guard against that which threatens
All that civilization has acquired
I pick up the pen
Like a sentinel on alert

Securing that which is sacred
The mission of preservation never rests
I’ll traverse the winds of progress
With the trust of a child

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