New Life-cycle and Real Estate Funds

October 3, 2007
By seadmin

I can always count on my friend Tom Lydon of for the very latest on the new and varied offerings in ETF land. The following is excerpted from Tom’s Oct. 2 article on what’s new within the ETF space:

Exchange-traded fund provider, XShares Advisors, recently introduced 12 new ETFs on the NYSE Arca. Five of the ETFs are "target date" or "lifestyle funds" that range in maturities from 2010 to 2040, ETFGuide reports. XShares teamed up with TD Ameritrade to launch the funds that aim to replicate the performance of the life cycle indexes created by Zacks Investment Research of Chicago, reports David Hoffman of Investment News.

The funds with longer maturities have higher initial equity exposure, including international equities, with higher volatility and risk. ETFs with shorter maturities have higher fixed-income exposure with lower volatility and risk. The expense ratio of these ETFs is 0.65%. The five life-cycle ETFs are:

  • TDAX Independence In-Target ETF (TDX)
  • TDAX Independence 2040 ETF (TDV)
  • TDAX Independence 2030 ETF (TDN)
  • TDAX Independence 2020 ETF (TDH)
  • TDAX Independence 2010 (TDD)

In addition, XShares launched six equal-weighted ETFs designed to provide exposure to narrow slices of the U.S. real estate market. Five of the real estate ETFs have 25 holdings, and the sixth ETF, which is the market-cap weighted Composite ETF, has 40 holdings. These ETFs have an expense ratio of 0.58%. They are:

  • Adelante Shares RE Classics ETF (ACK)
  • Adelante Shares RE Composite ETF (ACB)
  • Adelante Shares RE Growth ETF (AGV)
  • Adelante Shares RE Kings ETF (AKB)
  • Adelante Shares RE Shelter ETF (AQS)
  • Adelante Shares RE Value ETF (AVU)
  • Adelante Shares RE Plus Yield ETF (ATY)

Once again, big thanks to Tom Lydon of for keeping us all up to speed on the very latest news from the ETF front.

I encourage all of my Alert readers to check out Tom’s Web site,, as it is replete with news and commentary that is invaluable to your quest for big market gains.

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