My Commitment To Readers In 2007

January 4, 2007
By seadmin

Hello, and welcome to the first edition of the Alert for 2007.

I am really excited about having you as a reader and this year promises to be the best one yet for the Fabian family. I am happy that you are going to be onboard with us this year.

To kick off the year, I thought I would outline to you what I call my five commitments to readers in 2007. These are the areas of concern that I know most everyone needs help with, is concerned about, or just wants to keep on top of when it comes to money and investing. Let’s check them out.

  1. Risk Management: I will continue to point out to you the areas in the market that I feel are rife with excess risk. And, I will continue to focus on the folly of committing your hard-earned investment dollars to these sectors. There is nothing worse than jumping on a fast-moving trend, only to find out that it is more like a car running on fumes. This mistake is costly and deflates investor will. It also makes many opt for the "money in the mattress" strategy.

    My risk management strategies will keep you on the right path toward avoiding debilitating downside, while maximizing your profits in the sectors of the market that are most likely to provide safe and substantial returns. Remember, when it comes to managing your money, protect your principal first and the gains — and your wealth — will follow.

  1. ETF Specialist: I am what I like to refer to as an ETF specialist. That means I love exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and I make a concerted effort to know as much as there is to know about these unique investment vehicles. I have never been more excited about a new investment tool in all of my years of covering the markets. My commitment to you as we start 2007 is that whatever I learn about ETFs, you will too.

  2. Emerging Trends: I want you to know that I will always be on top of all of the emerging trends that offer the potential for big profits. "There’s always a bull market somewhere," as the old adage goes, and my commitment to you is that I will always be on top of the sectors with the greatest potential for making you a lot of money.

    As we begin the year, I really am watching the Japan market, the Taiwan market and the health care sector for inclusion in some of my investment advisory services. I think one or more of these areas are ready to catch fire in 2007 and, before they do, I will be telling you all about it.

  3. Valuable Resources: This year, as in past years, I am committed to bringing you information from some of the best minds out there. People such as my mortgage expert Josh Lewis will continue to provide you with insightful information on how to get the most from your mortgage. You’ll also get great ideas from the folks at Ameritas Direct concerning all of your insurance investing needs.

    I have a great team in place to help me in the areas where a particular expertise is really required. Hey, I figure that if I need help on certain financial topics, then maybe some of you do as well. That said, you go where the resources are and right here is where you’ll find some of the best resources around to help you manage your money and your financial life better in 2007.

  4. On the Road In 2007: This year I really will make an effort to get out on the road and meet with my Alert readers and my investment advisory service subscribers. There is nothing like a face-to-face meeting with a reader to help me get a better handle on what I am doing right and what I need to improve upon.

    I also know that for my readers, a face-to-face meeting is a great way to get answers to your questions, to enhance your knowledge of the markets, and to get inspired to make the correct decisions about your finances.

My first appearance this year will be on Tuesday, Jan. 9, at the Hilton Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ. This seminar, entitled "Financial Success 2007," will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and is FREE to subscribers of my ETF Trader, High Monthly Income and Successful Investing services. Seats are limited, so make your reservations early. Call our toll-free number (800) 391-1118 to get in on all of the action.

As the year unfolds, my promise to you is that my team and I will cover all of these areas for you to the best of our ability. I also promise to give you the clearest, most objective and soundest advice I am capable of giving. You deserve the best from your financial team and I promise that you’ll always get our best no matter what.

Sure, we won’t always be right; nobody is. But what we will always do is give you our best, most thoroughly thought out, and candid advice we can about how to make your money work for you in 2007.

My optimism meter is set all the way to high as we move into 2007 and I am looking forward to making this year the best ever.

Happy New Year!

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