August 15, 2007
By seadmin

The big sell off in the stock market has created a lot of opportunities for income investors. I can’t get into all the details in here in the Alert, but I do have a complete presentation for you that I call Creating Passive Income. It’s my latest live workshop, and it now is available online.

All you have to do is

click here for all of the details on how you can listen to one of the most important seminars for your wealth that you will ever see.

for all of the details on how you can listen to one of the most important seminars for your wealth that you will ever see.for all of the details on how you can listen to one of the most important seminars for your wealth that you will ever see.for all of the details on how you can listen to one of the most important seminars for your wealth that you will ever see.for all of the details on how you can listen to one of the most important seminars for your wealth that you will ever see.for all of the details on how you can listen to one of the most important seminars for your wealth that you will ever see.

In this unique workshop event, Josh Lewis — my mortgage and real estate expert — and I team up to show you the keys to creating the passive income you need to create the life of your dreams.

You will discover:

  • How much passive income you really need
  • The many sources of passive income
  • 10 Investment Opportunities to generate 8-12% or MORE in annual yield
  • The innovative new investment vehicles that provide the passive income you need month after month
  • How to leverage highly appreciated real estate to accelerate your wealth building
  • How to optimize your personal finances for greater simplicity AND greater returns
  • How to get Uncle Sam to assist in your wealth-building journey
  • The strategy used by the affluent to safely and conservatively build wealth

For more on how to download this seminar right now, simply click here.

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