High Risk Dead Ahead! — But the Next 13 Minutes Can Help You Prepare

By seadmin
Investing in the equity markets is always a pursuit fraught with peril, but these days, the risk meter on your money is running dangerously in the red.
You see, I think there’s high risk dead ahead for investors, as the market faces a trifecta of negatives itching to rob you of your hard-earned wealth.
I’m Doug Fabian, president of Fabian Wealth Strategies. I am of the opinion that investors will have to deal with some major headwinds going forward, headwinds that could blow down the house on your wealth in 2012.
First off, Europe’s debt crisis still isn’t solved, and there are no plans in place likely to stave off a European recession. That recession likely will spread around the globe in the year ahead, and that’s going to make things very tough for equities. Then there’s the political acrimony in Washington, D.C. As we all know, 2012 is a presidential election year, and that means that more political gridlock in our nation’s capital is a done deal.
To help investors deal with what I think is going to be a very difficult market environment in 2012; I’ve recorded a special audio report titled: 2011 Year-End Market Alert.
This audio podcast is just a little more than 13 minutes, but that’s enough time for me to show you why I think 2012 will be such a challenging year; why the upside potential in stocks pales in comparison to the downside risks, and why success in the year ahead will require proactive decisions designed to put your money in a defensive posture.
I believe that 2012 will be a crucial year for investors, a year where making the wrong decisions could spell disaster for your wealth. On the other hand, making the right decisions could help set you up to prevail against whatever peril the market throws your way — and making the right decisions starts off by listening to my special 2011 Year-End Market Alert.
NOTE: Fabian Wealth Strategies is a SEC registered investment adviser, and is not affiliated with Eagle Publishing. 

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