By seadmin

Recently an Alert reader and avid radio show listener wrote me to let me know about a new tool designed to help ETF investors. I want to thank that listener — you know who you are — as what I discovered was indeed a great new device designed to help investors evaluate ETFs.

This great new ETF tool is called the ETF Screener and it can be found on the American Stock Exchange website. The tool allows you to compare ETFs by issuer, style, expense ratio, net assets, trade price and total return.

You’ll also find a description of each ETF, its performance, top holdings and distribution information. Once you have screened the funds that you are interested in, you get the best information by clicking on "tear sheet" to give you a top-to-bottom rundown on the fund.

I personally have tried this new tool and I absolutely love it. If you are employing ETFs in your investment bag, I strongly suggest you check out the latest from the Amex website.

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