Got Mortgage Questions? Call Me

By seadmin

All right, I am going to make a prediction right now: interest rates are going to go up.

Of course, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. With the unprecedented amount of government borrowing, a tremendous amount of pressure is being imposed on the U.S. dollar. This pressure inevitably will make long-term rates go higher.

But how does this affect you and your assets? There are many ways that higher interest rates affect you and there are different types of interest rates that you need to be aware of. Right now, I am talking about long-term rates. These are the yields of 10- and 30-year Treasury securities. These are the rates that the Fed doesn’t control. Sure, the Fed can influence these rates, but ultimately the marketplace decides what interest rate levels make sense.

We are now in no man’s land when it comes to budget deficits. So far this fiscal year, we are over spending our tax revenue on a national basis by $1.4 trillion dollars! Yes, that’s trillion with a "T." We don’t yet know what this will bring in terms of economic pain and disaster down the road, but we do know that right now, mortgage rates are at all-time lows. How long they can remain this low is a question that I can’t answer. One thing I do know is that for most of you, your mortgage payment may be the largest payment you make each month.

Do you know the answers to the following questions?

  • Do you have the lowest mortgage interest rate possible?
  • Could there be better loan options available to you today?
  • Are you enjoying the benefits of an adjustable-rate mortgage now, but worried about what the future will bring?
  • Are you retired and worried that you may not qualify for a new loan?
  • What about a reverse mortgage to supplement your retirement income?

These are complicated questions, but I’m here to help you get the answers.

This Saturday, Oct. 24, at 12 p.m. (noon) Pacific, I will be hosting a one-hour conference call to answer these questions and many more. Joining me will be John Doan, president of Miracle Mortgage. Miracle Mortgage is a sponsor of my radio show, Doug Fabian’s Wealth Strategies.

To register for this FREE conference call, click here.

I believe the window of opportunity to take advantage of the current low interest-rate environment is right now. If you want to find out what your options are, then be sure to join us at 12 noon PDT, this Saturday, Oct. 24.  

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