Financial Success in the New Year

By seadmin

I can’t believe it, but 2010 is just about a week away. And soon, we’ll all be resolving to not make the same mistakes we made in 2009. If you haven’t started making your financial New Year’s resolutions for 2010, let me give you a little head start. Here’s just a sneak peak at what I want smart investors to resolve to do next year:

  1. I will prepare my family for an unpredictable economic environment in 2010.
  2. I will have a positive increase in my liquid net worth.
  3. I will save in excess of 10% of my gross income in my retirement accounts.
  4. I will save and safely secure at least three months of living expenses.
  5. I will stop losing money on bad investments and/or bad investment advice.

I know these resolutions may seem simple, but honestly, did you accomplish all of these goals last year? If the answer is no, then why not make 2010 the year when you do things right?

There is no time like the beginning of a new year to really focus on your goals, so take control of your financial life and make 2010 the beginning of a wonderfully profitable new decade.

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