End Of An Era And The Start Of A New Journey

May 10, 2007
By seadmin

This Friday, May 11, I will broadcast the final edition of the daily radio show Making Money with Doug Fabian. It’s hard to believe even for me that I have been behind the microphone six days a week for nearly two years!

Let me start off by thanking all of you who’ve been loyal listeners to the show from its earliest days. I can’t really begin to tell you how rewarding an experience our daily conversations have been. Analyzing the daily swings in the markets; sharing my love of exchanged-traded funds (ETFs) and taking listener phone calls on a daily basis is something I know will be hard to get out of my blood.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank my loyal and hard working staff, as well as everyone at KFNN and all of our affiliate stations. Without your tireless efforts, the show wouldn’t have been the success that it has been. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you one and all for helping me connect with so many people for so long.

So, why am I leaving behind the daily radio show that I love so much? Well, that’s where things really get exciting. You see, I have entered a new chapter in my life; one that I think will be even more valuable to my radio show listeners and my Alert readers.

My productive purpose in life, my mission if you will, is to help people with the proper care and feeding of their finances. My goal is to help everyone I can to live the life they’ve always dreamed of, and having the financial means to do so is one key element to making this happen for us all.

I have learned much about what people need and want from the hundreds of coaching sessions I have conducted over the years. Now, I’m going to put those client needs and desires in the forefront of my everyday life. In lieu of the time that I was spending on the daily radio show, I will be focusing much more of my daily efforts of developing personalized plans tailor-made to help every individual who needs it to create a roadmap to riches.

For those of you addicted to my radio broadcasts, I am happy to say that listeners in Los Angeles still will be able to get your weekend fix. I will continue broadcasting my weekend show locally in the Los Angeles area on KRLA News Talk 870 AM, Los Angeles, live, Saturdays from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.

For those of you outside the Los Angeles area, you can listen live via the Internet. To find out how to listen to the show live online, just click here.

I also will soon add a weekly audio blog to my website, podcasts and YouTube video updates. Of course, we’ll keep you all up to date on all of the latest developments here in the Alert.

There is nothing simple about the details of building wealth in America. The tax code, the rules and regulations, complex markets and the multitude of confusing choices make things very difficult for even the most financially savvy among us.

My goal is to change all that. I want to help you crack the code that unlocks your financial independence. I want you to become a wealth master, i.e., a person who is in control of his or her financial future.

I started this process when I wrote my book Maverick Investing back in 2001. In that book, I included a chapter that cut right to the core of the issue of mastering wealth entitled, "Empower Yourself: Turning Your Dreams Into Goals". And, while I am proud of that chapter, I didn’t feel like I really included everything then that I would write today.

You see, I wrote that book when I was a 44-year-old and I wrote it for a forty-something reader. At that time, I had not had much contact with people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. I hadn’t really conducted that many interviews nor done many coaching sessions. Simply put, I did not have the vision that I have today. Now, I’m going to finish this process and provide you with the teaching, tools and resources to master your own destiny.

Here is a preview of some of the issues you’ll be seeing me confront in the months and the years to come.

People lack a master plan for their money and finances. I want you to be able to tell anyone what your short- and long-term goals are and how you’re getting to your destination.

People lack motivation. There are things that you should do, things that you will do and things that you won’t do. Moving something to the "will do" category requires motivation. The one message I constantly hear from listeners over and over again is how I inspired them. I motivated them to get going and take action. I want to continue doing this, but the difference now is that I personally am better equipped to help you to attain your goals.

People lack knowledge. Knowing how to do something requires knowledge that you may not possess. We live in a complicated world and it gets particularly complex when dealing with money-related matters. I know a lot but I don’t know it all. That’s why I have trusted advisors whom I can call on to help us figure it out. I want to bring you access to experts that can help us to answer any questions or solve any problem when it come to your finances.

This is just a glimpse of what I am doing today. And, my renewed focus on these issues is why I am cutting back on my radio broadcasts. I want to have a positive impact on your life when it comes to your dreams and goals. I want your problems to be solved. I want you to have the answers to the questions you face when it comes to your financial lives.

I am extremely excited about our future together. You will be hearing much more from me about the subject of wealth mastering, so stay tuned. If you have not done so already — and especially if you have listened to the daily show and want to stay in touch with us via the audio blog and the weekend show — be sure to visit our webpage.

Here’s to the beginning of a beautiful new relationship!

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