May 22, 2006
By seadmin

I just finished writing the April issue of Successful Investing, and I want to share a few of my thoughts on the experience with my Making Money Alert readers.

First, the April issue is always special to me as it marks the annual anniversary of the newsletter my father started 29 years ago. That’s right, from a dining room table in Huntington Beach, CA, nearly three decades ago, a man decided that you didn’t need to follow the prevailing advice on Wall Street, nor did you have to pay high commissions to brokers in order to make money in the stock market.

His simple yet elegant trend-following strategy made it possible for anyone to achieve financial freedom, provided they had the motivation and the willingness to take control of their lives.

I am proud that for the past 29 years, my family has been empowering investors with the positive message of market discipline, patience and fortitude.

Here are the promises I’ve made to my Successful Investing subscribers in celebration of our 29th anniversary:

I promise to continue providing you with the "how to" of investing.

I promise to continue analyzing and dissecting both the good and the bad with an objective eye.

I promise to always be on your side in the battle to achieve the financial freedom you desire.

In return I ask that you make a commitment to yourself.

I ask that you define your purpose, write down your goals and act in accordance with your objectives.

Together we can bring into reality our deepest desires. Together, we can achieve the greatness open to us all.

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