Are You In Tune With Your Finances?

November 7, 2007
By seadmin

I know that most of us spend a large amount of our day dealing with all of the urgent matters that life throws at us. Whether it is urgent matters in our work lives or our home lives, many times those urgent matters take up nearly all of our time.

When urgent matters take control of our lives, they tend to push those important affairs off to the side. Unfortunately, one of the most important of affairs that gets pushed to the side is money and finances.

Ask yourself this question: Are you in tune with your finances?

If you can’t answer that question with an unqualified and unequivocal "yes," then you need to attend my upcoming Wealth Strategies 2008 seminar.

This seminar will help you get one of the most important relationships you’ll ever have back on track — the relationship between you and your money!

This event will take place in just three more days, on Saturday, Nov. 10, at the Orange County Hyatt in Anaheim, California.

This all-day event will help you discover why:

  • Now is the time to increase your overseas investments

  • Now is the time to get ready to buy real estate

  • Now is the time to profit from the Chinese economic phenomenon

  • Now is the time to get a complete understanding on how exchange-traded funds (ETFs) work, and how you should be using them to help create wealth

Let’s face it, over the past few months we have experienced unprecedented volatility in the financial markets. Interest rates, bonds, stocks and currencies have fluctuated wildly for one reason and one reason only — investor uncertainty.

Investors around the world are reassessing their future risks and opportunities. The most important question for you and your family is: Are you prepared for another year of this wild market uncertainty?

In my roles as investment advisor, radio talk show host, and wealth consultant, my overriding mission is to help educate investors and make them aware of what they need to do to prepare for another year of volatile, uncertain markets.

That’s why I am really excited about my upcoming Wealth Strategies 2008 investor conference. In just one action-packed day you’ll find out how you can grow your assets by 20% or more over the next 12 months.

I know that is a big promise, but given the unprecedented era of investment opportunity in front of us, I think it’s a promise my team can keep. In all my years of investing, I have never been more excited about the future than I am right now.

Let me share with you four reasons why 2008 may be the best investing year of your life.

  1. Global Economic Growth 300% Greater than the U.S. Economy. Never before in history have the promise and benefits of capitalism touched the lives of so many people around the world. This means huge investment opportunities outside the United States.

  2. China Becomes the Third Largest Economy in the World. The emergence of China as an economic superpower is extraordinary. Just as the United States has dominated the economic landscape for the past 60 years, now China will affect your life in many ways. Your job, your mortgage, and of course your investment portfolio will all be affected by China’s economic awakening.

  3. The Down Trend in Real Estate Equals Opportunity. Record foreclosures and the economic impact of the bursting real estate bubble provide a truly extraordinary but untapped opportunity to buy real estate at prices 30-50% below peak levels.

  4. The Emergence of the Single Greatest Investment Tool since the Mutual Fund. You may not be aware of the power and opportunity of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), but I am here to tell you that this investment tool can change your life. Once you have the knowledge of how ETFs work, you will be amazed at the growth potential for your investment dollars.

Wealth Strategies 2008

These four subjects are the focus of my one-day event on Saturday, November 10, 2007, at the Orange County Hyatt in Southern California. On that day, you will experience a comprehensive wealth-enhancement conference designed to grow your assets 20% or more in 2008. Here is our speaker lineup for this event:

International investing specialist Keith Fitz-Gerald will speak about the Global Opportunities for your portfolio in 2008. Keith is a respected market professional with nearly 20 years of experience. He has an extensive insider’s network that he puts to work for you to get the inside track on what’s really happening in global markets. He also is a professional trader and a licensed CTA who advises institutions and individuals.

China expert Peter Navarro, author of the best-selling book, The Coming China Wars, also will present. Peter will showcase his insights on How China will Impact Every Aspect of Your Financial Life. He also will tell you how you can profit from the emergence of this economic superpower.

Real estate advisor Josh Lewis is another featured speaker. He correctly called the top in the real estate market back in September 2005 and now he sees The Greatest Buying Opportunity in Real Estate investing in the past 10 years just on the horizon. You’ll definitely want to be ready when the opportunity presents itself. With Josh’s help, you’ll be well prepared.

And finally, I will be the host of the entire full-day event. As a bonus, I also will be presenting my seminar about ETFs: The Future of Investing. This seminar will teach you how exchange-traded funds can make your investing endeavors simple, inexpensive, profitable and even fun!

Join me at the Wealth Strategies 2008 conference. The cost is just $99, and if you want to bring your spouse or a friend, its just $50 more. The opportunity to listen to some of the sharpest minds in the investment world will happen on ONE day and ONE day only — Saturday Nov. 10, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Orange County Hyatt.

ACT NOW To reserve your space!


Seating is limited, and you don’t want to miss out on this event. If you aren’t completely satisfied, we offer a 100% money back guarantee. Simply click the button below to signup or call 888-300-3684. I’ll see you there!


P.S. To listen to a free preview of what will be discussed at Wealth Strategies 2008, Click Here

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