SI Bob Endorsement (Tiered) (for RW Act) | Jim Woods Investing

Bob Carlson here.

I’m contacting you today to talk briefly about how critical your investments are to your overall retirement savings. 

From growing your nest egg through investing, to supplementing your income after you’ve stopped working, to living out your golden years in style… your investment portfolio is a critical part for making that all come true. 

You know as a Retirement Watch member that we have an entire library of resources, reports, and videos dedicated to investing that members are free to look at, anytime, anywhere.  

While I take pride in what we can offer members like you when it comes to investing… I know there’s so much more we could do. 

But there just aren’t enough hours in the day for me to give investing and the stock market the attention they deserve. 

So, when I need investment advice, there’s only one man I turn to, time and time again. 

I met him several years ago, when I joined the Eagle Financial Publications family. 

He’s unlike any other investment advisor I’ve ever met. In fact, his track record stands far above most others.  

I’m not the only one saying that, either.

Recently, the independent watchdog site rated him #1 in the world for stock picking. He beat out over 14,000 other competitors. For investment advice, there’s no one better.

His name is Jim Woods.

Simply put, his varied experience gives him unique money-making insights into the complex world of investing. 

That experience begins with Jim’s 25 years as a broker, hedge fund trader, financial writer, author, and newsletter editor… 

It includes working with William J. O’Neil, founder of Investor’s Business Daily… a stint as a U.S. Army special ops soldier… and wildly diverse pursuits such as motorcycling, sport-shooting, horseback riding, poetry, painting, and more.

I’m sure that it is Jim’s unique blend of experiences that combined to make him’s number #1 trader in the world. 

As impressive as all that is… it’s NOT why I’m introducing Jim to you today…

His Safety Switch investment strategy is the reason. 

In my book, it’s the #1 market trend identifying system available today. 

Since 1977, this simple, yet highly effective plan has “safeguarded” investors against the market’s worst downturns… 

It’s a systematic process for knowing the best times to be raking in profits… and knowing when it’s time to cash in your gains and get your money to safety. It was introduced in 1977 by a man named Dick Fabian as a system to determine when to buy and sell stocks or mutual funds. In 1982, Dick passed it to his son, Doug. For the next 35 years, Doug helped readers make money and protect their wealth. 

For the last 14 of those years, Jim Woods worked with Doug on the Safety Switch. Together, they advised investors when to get in and out of the market. When it came time for Doug to move on, only one person in the world could be trusted with the Safety Switch — Jim. 

Regardless of who’s been at the helm, the incredible power of the Safety Switch has accurately protected investors from every major crash, including… 

August 1982: After successfully calling the crash of 1981 and the bear market that followed, the Safety Switch showed it was safe to move back into the market… catching the 15-month bull that followed and generating 45% gains

October 1986: The Safety Switch “buy” signal is triggered again… leading to an 18% gain before the worst one-day crash in history: Black Monday.

In 1991: After coalition forces drove Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait… the Safety Switch alerted “the coast is clear”… signaling a new bull market was forming… The buy signal in January led to a 34% gain during the next 18 months!

January 1995: The Safety Switch identifies a new uptrend. During the next five years, it produced annual gains of more than 20%! 

April 2009: The Safety Switch flips to a solid “Buy” signal close to the market’s bottom. That call produced gains of 47% 15 months later!

February 2020: Early on during the coronavirus pandemic, the Safety Switch flips to a “Sell” signal.  Over the next 25 days, the DOW dropped 27.8%!   

June 2020: The Safety Switch saw a new uptrend, so it signaled “Buy”. For the year, Safety Switch followers ended up 19.26% – more than doubling the DOW and beating the S&P 500.

January 2022: In January of 2022, the Safety Switch again switched to “Sell’ mode, signaling investors to get out. Millions saw their investments get crushed. But not the ones who followed Jim’s recommendations to sell. 

By the time Jim gave his investors the all clear to “buy” again, on December 2, 2022, the market had been pummled. For the year, the Nasdaq was down 31% and the S&P 500 lost 15%

Again, I’ve never seen a better system for knowing when to jump in and out of the market — it’s perfect for subscribers who are looking for more guidance with their investments. 

You can get every one of Jim’s Safety Switch recommendations when you become a member of his Successful Investing monthly advisory service.

In addition, as a subscriber, you’ll also get his:

As you can probably tell, Jim Woods and Successful Investing both impress me very much…

To help you get to know Jim, and let him impress you as well, I’ve arranged for my readers to get a special deal on Successful Investing.

Reply to this offer, and get Successful Investing for a full year, at an 80% discount to their regular price of $249. You’ll pay just $49.95… that’s almost $200 off! 

Believe me, you will not find this incredibly LOW PRICE anywhere else. It’s only offered here — and it’s 100% risk-free.

I’m not sure how long the special pricing for my members will last. So, I suggest you act on this offer quickly.


Bob Carlson
Editor, Retirement Watch