SI Money Show May 2021 | Jim Woods Investing

“One of the best market timers in the business.” —Investors Business Daily

Special Offer for Attendees of:
3 ETFs To Profit from Big Government’s Big Wallet

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to view this very special presentation!

And as a reward, I have a very special gift for you. Please accept this personal invitation to join my service:

Successful Investing

As a former U.S. army special operations soldier, I have over 25 years’ experience in the markets, working as a stockbroker, financial journalist and money manager.

The independent rating firm,, recently ranked me the #1 financial blogger in the world, (and that’s out of over 7,000 traders).

My varied experience gives me unique insights into the complex world of investing.

Now you’re invited to experience everything that Successful Investing has to offer – for mere pennies a day.

Here’s what you’ll receive with your subscription:

  • Special Report #1: The Successful Investing Quick Start Guide: You’ll get essential actions and concise direction on how to get the most out of your new subscription.
  • Special Report #2: How to Grow Wealthy with ETFs: Your inside look into some of the most effective investment vehicles for safely and consistently growing your wealth in today’s market.
  • Successful Investing Monthly Issues: Each issue will be delivered to your e-mail inbox. In it, you’ll find my latest market analysis, updates on recommended investments, and information designed to make you a more successful and profitable investor.
  • Successful Investing’s Three Model Portfolios: Whether you’re looking for Income, Growth or Aggressive Growth in the markets, there are plays for every investor’s needs, and you’ll find my recommended portfolios for each of these three investment goals. And don’t forget my Prime Movers portfolio of individual stocks as well.
  • Successful Investing Weekly Dispatches: Delivered every Friday (or whenever needed), these dispatches will give you the all important “Buy” and “Sell” signals, so you’ll know exactly when to get your money out to safety and when to jump back in for the biggest gains. You’ll also get my analysis, commentary, advice on current positions, plus new opportunities on the horizon.
  • 24/7 Website Access: You’ll have instant, password-protected access to all of my current advice, Special Reports, archives of back issues, recent articles, and more.

All this is yours FREE when you join Successful Investing right now.

But that’s just a taste of the benefits awaiting you when you become a member of Successful Investing

To help as many investors as I can, for a limited time only, I’m offering a steep discount off the regular $249 price.

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That’s just 21 cents a day. Less than $1.50 a week.

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When that 30 days is up, I want you to be completely convinced that Successful Investing is the ideal vehicle for helping you meet your investment goals… protect your wealth… and safely grow it.

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And you’ll get to keep all the investment reports and recommendations you’ve received during your trial. as my gift to you for giving this a try. You can’t get any more iron-clad than that.

For your future prosperity,

Jim Woods
Editor, Successful Investing

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